1. Horse Unedited: 4-19-2010; 3 pm; Zepher Cove California; f 4.9; 1/400; Canon PowerShot
2. Horse Edited: Complete cutout with quick selection tool- Refined edges and drop shadow on white.
3. Tree Falls Unedited: 4-10-2010; 1 pm; Eagle Falls, California; f 4.9; 1/1250; Canon PowerShot
4. Tree Falls Edited: Partial cutout achieved with rectangle marquee tool, quick selection and layers.
For the horse cutout, I used quick selection tool and lasso to select the horse. After refining the edges, I copied and pasted to a new document, then added a drop shadow.
For the partial cutout, I selected a rectangle with the marquee tool, then created a new layer. I used the quick selection tool to select the tree, then copied it to the new layer.